The Francisco Ortiz López Family
A Documented Research Report by Bob Wirt
Version 5, June 23rd, 2011
Francisco Ortiz López was born circa 1865 in Mexico, the son of Francisco Lopez
Francisco Ortiz López
and Cresencia Ortiz. He married Cecilia Gaitán Espino, daughter of Esiquio Espino and San Jose Gaitán, circa 1900. They had three children in Mexico, very likely in Sierra Mojada, Coahuila before they were married; they were given Cecilia’s family name Espino (a). After they were married, they had three more children born in Terlingua de Abajo, Texas; they were named López.
In 1901 Francisco and his family immigrated to the United States and settled in the southwestern part of Terlingua de Abajo in a house built for them the previous year by Cecilia’s father Esiquio. This house is designated TA-29 in the Big Bend National Park inventory of Terlingua de Abajo structures. Francisco farmed in the area, apparently on a fairly large scale, and was involved in the construction of the extensive canal system that was used to irrigate the area. The 1910 and 1920 census records show Francisco’s occupation as “farmer”.
The ruins of the Lopez home in Terlingua de Abajo
There was a large adobe addition on the west (left) side of the rock structure. Only traces of the adobe walls are still visible |
View of Sierra Ponce, in Mexico, through the window of the Lopez home
Francisco O. Lopez continued farming in Terlingua de Abajo until the mid 1920’s. He then moved about five miles up Terlingua Creek where he leased or rented land from Valentine Rodriguez. He probably farmed and raised goats on that land through at least 1930. In the 1930 census his occupation is shown as “Manager, goat ranch.”
The children of Francisco and Cecilia were:
The children of Francisco and Cecilia were:
1. Son Juan Espinosa was born April 9, 1894 in Sierra Mojada, Coahuila, Mexico. He immigrated to the United States with the family in 1901 and was living with Francisco in Terlingua de Abajo in 1910. He married Bartola Pardo February 20, 1921 in Terlingua. She was born August 24, 1897 in Sierra Mojada, Coahuila, Mexico, the daughter of Pedro Pardo and Angela Espinosa. Father Max Weyert, from St. Agnes Church in Terlingua, led the ceremony and Agapito and Mauricia Martinez were the witnesses. At least through 1929 Juan and his family remained in the Terlingua area, where he worked as a farm laborer. In 1945 Juan was living in Alpine, Texas. He died in Alpine on March 13th, 1947 of acute rheumatic fever. Bartola died in Big Bend Memorial Hospital, Alpine of Uremia December 13, 1974. Both are buried in Holy Angels Cemetery.
Juan and Bartola had five children: A. Victoriano, B. Domingo, C. Viviano, D. Lucy, and E. Martina.
A. Son Victoriano Espinosa was born March 23, 1912 in Terlingua. He married Dolores Arambula September 18. 1943. Victoriano worked many years for the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe Railroad Companies. Dolores died January 9, 1987. Victoriano died in Big Bend Regional Medical Center Marcy 7, 1994. They are buried together in Holy Angels Cemetery. Victoriano and Dolores had three children:
(1) Son Juan Espinosa was born March 25, 1949 in Brewster County. In January 2000 he was living in Alpine.
(2) Daughter Belinda Espinosa married Doyle Pearce. In January 2000 they were living in Alpine.
They have two children:
a. Daughter Dolores Pearce.
b. Son Doyle C. Pearce.
(3) Son Joenel was living in Alpine in January 2000.
(2) Daughter Belinda Espinosa married Doyle Pearce. In January 2000 they were living in Alpine.
They have two children:
a. Daughter Dolores Pearce.
b. Son Doyle C. Pearce.
(3) Son Joenel was living in Alpine in January 2000.
D. Daughter Lucy Espinosa was born July 6, 1929 in Texas. From 1945 to 1965 she was a resident of Alpine. She died in Brewster Memorial Hospital, Alpine January 27, 1965 of ventricular fibulation. She married Jose Quintela August 15, 1965 in Brewster County. He was born August 8, 1909 and died November 1, 1976, Both are buried in Holy Angels Cemetery.
E. Daughter Martina Espinosa was born in Brewster County January 2, 1933. She married Manuel Chavez October 27, 1951. They had one child:
(1) Daughter Yolanda Chavez. She was deceased by July 2010. Her married name was Molina.
2. Daughter Marcelina Espinosa was born circa 1897 in Mexico. She immigrated to the United States with the family in 1901. She was living with Francisco in Terlingua de Abajo in 1910 but no further information on her has been found.
3. Son Isabel Espinoa was born July 8, 1898 in Sierra Mojada, Coahuila, Mexico. He immigrated to the United States with the family in 1901 and was living with Francisco in Terlingua de Abajo in 1910. He married Maria Pardo March 13, 1921 in the Terlingua area (a). This was their Catholic Church wedding; they very likely were married earlier in a civil ceremony. Maria was the daughter of Pedro Pardo and Angela Espinosa. By June 1921 Isabel was working for the Chisos Mining Co. and was still working as a miner when he died. He died of tuberculosis on August 11 1934 and is buried in the Terlingua Cemetery. Isabel and Maria had three children:
A.. Son Inez Espinosa worked as a miner from 1929 to 1939. He died of pneumonia and tuberculosis in Alpine January 8, 1942. He was a resident of Terlingua when he died and apparently was taken to Alpine for treatment. He is buried in El Camposanto del Arroyo (also known as the Big Bend Cemetery and the 248 Cemetery) near Terlingua. His grave is marked with a stamped metal disc. He married Tomasa Rodriguez August 26, 1933 and they had one child:
(1) Daughter Juanita Espinosa was born May 6, 1939 in Texas. She died in Western Clinic and Hospital in Midland February 8, 1944 and is buried in Midland.
B. Daughter Margarita Espinosa was born June 8, 1921 in Terlingua.
C. Son Octaviano Espinosa was born November 8, 1923 in Terlingua de Abajo.
4. Son Doroteo Lopez was born circa 1901in Terlingua de Abajo. He was still living with Francisco in 1920, when he was working as a general laborer, according to the census. No further information on him has been found.
5. Daughter Santiaga Lopez was born circa 1903 in Terlingua de Abajo. She was baptized on October 17, 1903 in Terlingua by Father Brocardus. Her godparents were Fermin Lujan and Severiana Ramirez. She was still living with Francisco in 1920. From 1931 to 1974 she was a resident of Fort Stockton. She died in Comanche View Nursing Home January 4, 1974 and is buried in St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery, Fort Stockton. She married Esteban Urbina, who was born November 26, 1882. He died in Big Spring State Hospital April 13 1962 and is buried in the hospital cemetery. Santiaga had one child out of wedlock:
A. Son Nicolas Lopez was born in Terlingua September 10, 1921. Nicolas was a U.S. Army World War II Veteran. He married Juliana Flores October 13, 1941. She was born in Terlingua December 22, 1922, the daughter of Carlos Flores and Jova Martinez. Nicolas died in Pecos County Memorial Hospital, Fort Stockton November 7, 2001. Juliana died in Fort Stockton March 19, 2010. Both are buried in St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery. Nicolas and Juliana had six children:
(1) Daughter Estefana Lopez was born November 28, 1944 in Brewster County. Her married name is Martinez. In March 2010 she was living in Fort Stockton.
Dario Lopez

(2) Son Dario F. Lopez was born August 24, 1946 in Fort Stockton. He worked as an Insurance Agent. He died in Hospice House, Odessa March 23 2008 and is buried in the Los Angeles Garden section of the Ector County Cemetery. He married Mary Gonzales December 23, 1965 and they had three children:
a. Son Michael Lopez was living in Fort Worth, Texas in March 2008.
b. Son Marcus Lopez was living in Irving, Texas in March 2008.
c. Daughter Monica Lopez was living in Odessa in March 2008.
(3) Daughter Paula Lopez was living in Fort Stockton in March 2010. Her married name is Dominguez.
(4) Son Ernesto Lopez was living in Austin, Texas in March 2010. His wife’s name is Irene.
(5) Daughter Delma Lopez married Michael Brennan. In March 2010 they were living in Plano, Texas.
(6) Son Reyes “Ray” Lopez was living in Fort Stockton in March 2010. His wife’s name is Margie.
(4) Son Ernesto Lopez was living in Austin, Texas in March 2010. His wife’s name is Irene.
(5) Daughter Delma Lopez married Michael Brennan. In March 2010 they were living in Plano, Texas.
(6) Son Reyes “Ray” Lopez was living in Fort Stockton in March 2010. His wife’s name is Margie.
Juan Espino Lopez and Maria Estrada Huerta
in Terlingua, 1927 |
6. Son Juan Espino Lopez was born on March 30 1905 in Terlingua de Abajo. He was baptized in Terlingua, TX by Father Brocardus on September 11, 1905. His godparents were Anteoclo Carrasco and Tomasa Baiza. He married Maria Estrada Huerta, daughter of Ramon Donato Valles Huerta and Silvestra Estrada on March 26, 1924 in Terlingua de Abajo. She was born September 26, 1906 in San Carlos, Chihuahua, Mexico. Juan and Maria lived in the Lopez family home in Terlingua de Abajo until 1927, when they moved to Study Butte. One day in 1926 or 1927, while working in the fields in Terlingua de Abajo, Juan was approached by a man who had just crossed the river from Mexico. The man needed a horse but the only thing he had of any value was a 44-40 Colt revolver. He offered the pistol and holster to Juan for a horse and Juan accepted. The gun is still in the possession of the Lopez family.
In 1930 he was working as a laborer in the quicksilver mine, and on June 10, 1936 he was working for the Chisos Mining Company, employee number 978. In 1930 Juan received a “Certificate of First-Aid Training, First Aid to the Injured” from the U.S. Department, Bureau of Mines. He died on May 6. 1991 at age 86. Maria died September 26, 1995. Both are buried in Artesia, New Mexico. |
Juan and Maria had eight children:
A. Son Florencio Lopez was born February 23, 1925 in Terlingua de Abajo. He died in Artesia, New Mexico May 27. 1991. He married Seferina Garcia January 9, 1950 in Carlsbad, New Mexico. She was born in Shafter, Texas August 26, 1926, the daughter of Juan Garcia and Antonia Hernandez and died 7 May 2010. Florencio served in the U.S. Army. He served a six-month tour in Germany 1946-1947, a six- month tour in Japan 1947-1948 and a six month tour in Korea 1951-1952. He earned the Silver Star for his service. Florencio and Seferina had eight children: (1) Son Florencio Lopez, Jr. In May 2010 he was living in Artesia, New Mexico. (2) Son Arturo Lopez. In May 2010 he was living in Las Cruces, New Mexico. (3) Daughter Viola Lopez married Ricardo McHaney. In May 2010 they were living in Artesia, New Mexico. They had three children: a. Son Jeremy McHaney. b. Son Gary McHaney. c. Son Jason McHaney. |
(4) Son Robert Lopez married Maribel Rodriguez. In May 2010 they were living in Artesia, New Mexico.
They had two children:
a. Daughter Nicole Lopez.
b. Son Mateo Lopez.
(5) Son Ricardo Lopez. In May 2010 he was living in Artesia, New Mexico.
(6) Daughter Beatrice Lopez was born 6 November 1960 and died 28 May 2010 in Artesia, New Mexico.
She had three children:
a. Daughter Daniella Lopez.
b. Son Jonathan Lopez.
c. Son Lawrence Albert Lopez. He was deceased by April 2011.
(7) Daughter Senaida Lopez. In May 2010 she and her partner Paul Hudson were living in Artesia, New Mexico.
Senaida has one child:
a. Daughter Sara Lopez.
(8) Son Albert Lopez was living in Artesia, New Mexico in May 2010. His wife's name is Donna and
they have four children:
a. Daughter Santana Lopez.
b. Daughter Quana Lopez.
c. Son Gino Lopez.
d. Son Elijah Lopez.
They had two children:
a. Daughter Nicole Lopez.
b. Son Mateo Lopez.
(5) Son Ricardo Lopez. In May 2010 he was living in Artesia, New Mexico.
(6) Daughter Beatrice Lopez was born 6 November 1960 and died 28 May 2010 in Artesia, New Mexico.
She had three children:
a. Daughter Daniella Lopez.
b. Son Jonathan Lopez.
c. Son Lawrence Albert Lopez. He was deceased by April 2011.
(7) Daughter Senaida Lopez. In May 2010 she and her partner Paul Hudson were living in Artesia, New Mexico.
Senaida has one child:
a. Daughter Sara Lopez.
(8) Son Albert Lopez was living in Artesia, New Mexico in May 2010. His wife's name is Donna and
they have four children:
a. Daughter Santana Lopez.
b. Daughter Quana Lopez.
c. Son Gino Lopez.
d. Son Elijah Lopez.
B. Daughter Celestina Lopez was born in Terlingua de Abajo May 19, 1926.
She married Rafael Orosco and they had two children:
(1) Son Rafael Orosco, Jr. married Carol Ann Graham.
(2) Son Samuel Orosco married Gloria Lara Gonzalez.
Celestina’s second husband was Crespin Rodriguez Herrera and they had four children:
(1) Daughter Louisa “Lou” Herrera married Rene Madrid.
(2) Daughter Anita Herrera married Joseph Juntilla.
(3) Daughter Corinna Herrera. Her partner’s name is Felix.
(4) Daughter Virginia Herrera. She died a few months after birth.
Estefana and Encarnacion
C. Daughter Estefana Lopez was born December 26, 1927 in Study Butte, Texas. She married Encarnacion “Naco” Lopez and they had four children: (1) Son Manuel Lopez. His wife’s name is Carmen. (2) Son Henry Lopez married Maria and they have three children: a. Daughter Janette Lopez. b. Son Hector Lopez. He was deceased by April 2011. c. Son Marcos Lopez. (3) Son Carlos Lopez. (4) Daughter Mary Helen Lopez married Hugo Aguirre. |
D. Daughter Felisa “Licha” Lopez was born May 18, 1930 in Study Butte.
She married Catarino Moreno and they had twelve children:
(1) Daughter Susie Moreno.
(2) Son David Moreno.
(3) Daughter Irma Moreno.
(4) Son Catarino Moreno, Jr.
(5) Daughter Eva Moreno.
(6) Daughter Oralia Moreno.
(7) Daughter Cruz Moreno.
(8) Son Adan Moreno
(9) Daughter Ester Moreno.
(10) Son Feliz Moreno, twin of Felipe.
(11) Son Felipe Moreno, twin of Feliz.
(12) Son Estevan Moreno.
E. Son Benigno Lopez was born February 14, 1932 in Four Miles, New Mexico.
He died as a child and is buried in the Lakewood, New Mexico Cemetery.
F. Son Juan “Juanito” Lopez, Jr. was born March 30, 1934 in Study Butte. He married Leonarda Romero and
they had four children:
(1) Son Johnny Lopez. His partner’s name is Christina.
(2) Daughter Alice Lopez.
(3) Son Orlando Lopez. His wife’s name is Susan.
(4) Daughter Diana Lopez married Rick Jimenez.
they had four children:
(1) Son Johnny Lopez. His partner’s name is Christina.
(2) Daughter Alice Lopez.
(3) Son Orlando Lopez. His wife’s name is Susan.
(4) Daughter Diana Lopez married Rick Jimenez.
Jose Maria Lopez in 2010
G. Son Jose Maria “Pili” Lopez was born October 17, 1936 in Shafter, Texas. He married Grace Marquez and they had five children: (1) Daughter Deanna Lopez married Cesar Olvera. (2) Son Christopher Lopez. (3) Daughter Annette Lopez. (4) Daughter Vivian Lopez. (5) Son Dion Lopez. |
H. Son Francisco Lopez was born October 7, 1944 in Artesia, New Mexico. He married Della Sedillo and they had four children:
(1) Son Frank “Frankie” Lopez, Jr. married Melissa Mariscal.
(2) Daughter Bernadette Lopez.
(3) Daughter Vanessa Lopez married Ricardo Aguilar.
(4) Daughter Jeanette Lopez.
Francisco O. Lopez’s first wife, Cecilia, died in 1905 while giving birth to their son Juan. Circa 1907 Francisco married Filomena Mani. She also had been married previously and brought with her two children from her first marriage. They were Marcelino Vasquez and Modesta Vasquez.
1. Son Marcelino Vasquez was born circa 1905. He was still living with Francisco and Filomena in 1930. He was employed as a car operator in the quicksilver mines in 1930 and on 6 Jun 1934 he was working for the Chisos Mining Company.
2. Daughter Modesta Vasquez was born circa 1906. Circa 1929 she married Seferino Hernandez in Study Butte, TX. Four children have been identified:
A. Son Ricardo Bonito Hernandez, born April 30, 1931 in Brewster County, TX.
B. Daughter Maximina Hernandez, born June 8, 1933 in Brewster County, TX.
C. Daughter Juana Hernandez, born December 8, 1935 in Brewster County, TX
D. Daughter Maria Hernandez, born August 6, 1937 in Brewster County, TX.
A. Son Ricardo Bonito Hernandez, born April 30, 1931 in Brewster County, TX.
B. Daughter Maximina Hernandez, born June 8, 1933 in Brewster County, TX.
C. Daughter Juana Hernandez, born December 8, 1935 in Brewster County, TX
D. Daughter Maria Hernandez, born August 6, 1937 in Brewster County, TX.
Francisco O. Lopez and Filomena Mani had four children: 1. Daughter Isabel Lopez was born on November 19, 1908 in Terlingua de Abajo. She was baptized in Terlingua, TX by Father Brocardus on January 10, 1909. Her godfather was Augustin Campos. She married Julian Huerta. They had one known child: A. Son Simon Huerta was born February 18, 1932 in Terlingua and died there March 19, 1934. The cause of death was shown as “probably Diphtheria” (there was no medical attendant). He was buried in Terlingua March 20, 1934. |
Isabel Lopez and Modesta Vasquez
Nicanora Lopez Milan and two of her children
2. Daughter Nicanora Lopez was born January 10, 1912 in Terlingua de Abajo and died January 7, 1943. She is buried in the Terlingua Cemetery. She married Martin Milan circa 1925 and they had six children:
A. Daughter Antonia Milan was born June 13, 1927. She died September 15, 1931 in Terlingua and is buried there. (On her cemetey marker, her name is incorrectly shown as Antonio and the year of death is incorrectly shown as 1937.) B. Son Cornelio Milan was born September 16, 1930 in Terlingua. C. Son Silverio Milan was born June 20, 1933 in Brewster County. D. Daughter Castila Milan was born March 26, 1936 in Brewster County. E. Son Jose Milan was born April 25, 1939 in Brewster County. F. Son Alberto Milan was born November 15, 1941 and died December 29, 1942. He is buried in the Terlingua Cemetery. |
Pascual Lopez in 2010
3. Son Pascual Lopez was born April 2, 1918 in Terlingua de Abajo. In April 1936 he was working for the Chisos Mining Company, employee number 992, when he injured his foot and missed work for six days. He Married Rita Najar February 22, 1942 in Fort Davis. She was born in Terlingua de Abajo May 1, 1918, the daughter of Ramon Najar and Natividad Acosta. In 1944 they moved to Carlsbad, New Mexico, where Rita died June 1, 2008. She is buried in the Santa Catarina Cemetery in Carlsbad. Pascual was living in Carlsbad in 2010. They had four children: A. Daughter Barbara Lopez married Jesus Rascon. B. Son Frank Lopez was living in Fort Davis, Texas in 2010. C. Daughter Angie Lopez was living with her father in Carlsbad in 2010. D. Daughter Emma Lopez was living in Farmington, New Mexico in 2010. Her married name is Tafoya. |
Pascual and Rita took in baby Anita after her mother, Pascual's sister, died. Anita was raised as their own daughter. She married Rita's brother Florencio Najar. Anita was deceased by June 2008.
4. Son Fabian Lopez was born circa 1922 in Terlingua de Abajo.
(a) In records on this family, the family name frequently is shown as Espinosa or Espinoza.
(b) Recorded in the records of St. Agnes Catholic Church in Terlingua, but the site of the event was not given.
· 1910, 1920, 1930 census
· Brewster County Birth Records
· Brewster, Pecos and Howard County death records
· Nicolas Lopez obituary, USTexGenWeb Archives Project, Ector County
· Dario F. Lopez obituary, Odessa American, 25 Mar 2008
· Personal testimony to the author by Frank Lopez
· Research by family members Frank Lopez, Corinna Herrera and Louisa Madrid
· Rita Najar Lopez obituary, unknown newspaper
· Seferina Garcia Lopez obituary, unknown newspaper
(a) In records on this family, the family name frequently is shown as Espinosa or Espinoza.
(b) Recorded in the records of St. Agnes Catholic Church in Terlingua, but the site of the event was not given.
· 1910, 1920, 1930 census
· Brewster County Birth Records
· Brewster, Pecos and Howard County death records
· Nicolas Lopez obituary, USTexGenWeb Archives Project, Ector County
· Dario F. Lopez obituary, Odessa American, 25 Mar 2008
· Personal testimony to the author by Frank Lopez
· Research by family members Frank Lopez, Corinna Herrera and Louisa Madrid
· Rita Najar Lopez obituary, unknown newspaper
· Seferina Garcia Lopez obituary, unknown newspaper
Copyright ã 2010 by Bob Wirt; all rights reserved.
This work may not be copied or used in whole or part for publication without the written consent of the author.
Individuals may use this information freely to develop and maintain family histories for their personal use.
This work may not be copied or used in whole or part for publication without the written consent of the author.
Individuals may use this information freely to develop and maintain family histories for their personal use.